

The IRS expects issuers and borrowers of tax-exempt bonds to regularly and affirmatively ensure continued compliance with Federal tax regulations. This work goes well beyond continuing disclosure filings. We created MuniVault® to ease these burdens and to provide a streamlined, technology-driven approach to ensuring on-going compliance with post-issuance compliance policies and procedures.


Easing The Burden of Post-Issuance Compliance

In response to guidance to bond issuers and borrowers from the IRS, most municipal bond issuers and borrowers now adopt and implement post-issuance compliance policies.

These policies generally address the six areas of on-going compliance identified by the IRS:

  • Due diligence review at regular intervals
  • Identifying the official or employee responsible for review
  • Training of the official or employee
  • Retention of adequate records to substantiate compliance
  • Procedures reasonably expected to identify noncompliance, and
  • Procedures to correct any non-compliance in a timely manner.
Issuers and borrowers have historically been required to provide regular monitoring of their tax-exempt bonds (and direct subsidy and tax credit bonds), but these post-issuance compliance policies formalize these responsibilities and, for many, create additional administrative burdens.

We created MuniVault® to ease these burdens and to provide a streamlined, technology-driven approach to ensuring on-going compliance with post-issuance compliance policies and procedures. Because MuniVault® is a service of Columbia Capital, you can expect the same high-quality, excellent service we provide on our financial and investment advisory work.



policy development and review


bond compliance officer training


Maintenance of bond compliance files


bond "family tree" use of proceeds research


preparation of annual compliance checklists


annual compliance reviews

Columbia Capital


Issuers and borrowers large and small, from coast to coast, have relied upon Columbia Capital as a strategic advisor for 28 years.

Columbia Capital


Columbia Capital combines 150 years of public finance expertise among its team of highly experienced, proven professionals.

Columbia Capital


Columbia Capital is unaffiliated with commercial and investment banks, insurance companies and others in the financial services industry.