Where We Work

Large Issuer
Public Finance

Large issuers have unique needs. State-level issuers operate within a slice of the municipal market that has a very limited number of issuers and heavy coverage by rating agencies. Large, urban cities and counties often have complex operating environments, unique taxing systems (sometimes not available to other cities or counties in that state), significant infrastructure needs and, often, credit challenges. Columbia Capital has advised these issuers for 28 years. Our team has the depth of expertise in rating strategy, Federal tax limitations, breadth of security structures and transaction management abilities to serve large issuers with excellence.

Columbia Capital's advisory team has served large issuers and urban issuers for 28 years. Our experience spans general obligation, annual appropriation and lease-revenue bonds; transportation, toll road and mass transit bonds; utility revenue bonds; economic development financings; special tax financings; tax, bond and revenue anticipation notes; as well as structured credits and securitizations, including pension bonds, tobacco bonds, tax receipt securitizations, and public-private partnerships.

Importantly for large issuers, Columbia Capital has advised on more than 205 transactions with par amounts of $100 million or greater. Our team is adept at understanding the rating considerations and unique marketing approaches necessary to bring large transactions to market.

Columbia Capital also has significant expertise designing and executing on new credits, with more than 60 financings that introduced new issuers or existing issuers bringing new financing programs to market.

Columbia Capital has expertise advising:

  • states and state agencies
  • statewide conduit issuers
  • regional governments
  • special districts
  • cities
  • counties
  • community colleges
  • K-12 districts
  • higher education
  • public utilities
  • transportation agencies
  • iconic issuers
Our range of services includes bond transaction advisory services, investment of idle funds and bond proceeds, tax-exempt post-issuance compliance, debt portfolio management and reporting, public-private partnership advisory services, New Markets Tax Credits advisory and a variety of consulting services.

Depth of Experience


Series 50
municipal advisors


Series 54
advisor principals


Series 65
investment advisers




Percent committed to the practice of public finance

Services Offered


Conceptual Plan of
Finance Development


Transaction Financial
Advisory Services


Economic Development
Advisory Services




Rating Agency


Bond Proceeds

Case Studies

AltTextNew Credit Design

Sales Tax Securitization

Columbia Capital served as financial and structuring advisor to the Sales Tax Securitization Corporation (STSC), a special purpose entity developed by the City of Chicago to securitize its sales tax distributions from the State of Illinois.

AltTextPension Bonds

Riverside County

In 2020 Columbia advised Riverside County on a pension bond financing that had been two years in the making. Despite COVID-19 pandemic uncertainties, the financing was a success, meeting the County's goals from the transaction.

AltTextMunicipal Utilities

Missouri SRF

The State Environmental Improvement and Energy Resources Authority (the “EIERA”) selected Columbia Capital Management as its new financial advisor effective July 1, 2014 for its clean water and drinking water revolving loan fund (SRF) programs.

AltTextTransportation Systems


Nearly every component of Bi-State Development's debt portfolio suffered in the wake of the Global Credit Crisis of 2008/2009. As the provider of mass transit for the St. Louis metropolitan area, BSD relied on Columbia Capital to develop a step-wise plan to help it manage through crisis.

AltTextAirport Credits

Chicago O'Hare

The Chicago Department of Aviation engaged Columbia Capital to serve as financial advisory on a seven-part transaction, including both refunding and new money, with total par of nearly $2.1 billion.


City of
San Diego

In 2020 Columbia advised the City of San Diego evaluate and execute a taxable advance refunding in the wake of the COVID emergency, providing the City with refunding efficiency metrics, breakeven metrics, and interest rate sensitivity analysis.

Columbia Capital


Issuers and borrowers large and small, from coast to coast, have relied upon Columbia Capital as a strategic advisor for 28 years.

Columbia Capital


Columbia Capital combines 150 years of public finance expertise among its team of highly experienced, proven professionals.

Columbia Capital


Columbia Capital is unaffiliated with commercial and investment banks, insurance companies and others in the financial services industry.